Home of the Phoenix
About Us
Serving students in grades 9 through 12 as a charter school in the York County School Division.
York River Academy
11201 George Washington Memorial Hwy
Yorktown, VA 23690
School Hours: 8:20 a.m. - 3:10 p.m.
Office Hours: 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Phone: 757-898-0516
News & Announcements
Happy National School Counseling Week to our wonderful School Counselor, Mrs. Barber! Our students presented her with notes of thanks and a beautiful sign for her to enjoy this week and all year round. THANK YOU, Mrs. Barber!
Join us in celebrating National Kindness Week, February 10-14 with a little Valentines Spirit thrown in! We will celebrate National Random Acts of Kindness day on February 18th! It's always a good day to be kind and this week our teachers are catching students in the act! When a student is caught being kind there are prizes involved this week not just the good feelings for those involved! Kindness is contagious, creating a ripple effect that contributes to a more compassionate world. Small acts of kindness, like a smile or holding a door, can uplift someone's day and foster connection. Practicing kindness boosts mood, reduces stress, and benefits both giver and receiver.
YCSD and multiple Hampton Roads area businesses and organizations are partnering to support inclusivity and provide resources to families of students with disabilities.
Beginning January 6, 2025, all YCSD schools will implement No Cell, Bell-to-Bell policies. Ensuring students have their personal devices off and away during the school day fosters a safe and healthy learning environment, where students can fully engage in their studies and interact meaningfully with their peers and teachers.